Hey guys, this is just the skeleton of my next post entitled 2011, but here goes.
As 2010 came to an end, i realized a few things that I have to improve in the coming year,2011, and they are as listed below:
1. Drinking Habits
2. Passion To Run
3. Prayers and God
4. Medical studies
6. Girls
In 2010, I realized that I have not been drinking as often as I may have liked, and, I feel it has affected me in terms of my energy levels and also my stress levels. Without this social lubricant called alcohol, I realized that i tend to be more serious, cannot have fun and be the less joker self I used to be. This really is not helpful. Hence in 2011, I hope to have a bottle of alcohol with me just in case I need to drown some sorrows.
Also in 2010, despite performing well in MAPCU and IMU cup, I have found that towards the latter stage of the year, my desire to RUN has deminished and I no longer have this capability to complete a route course that I had set out to run. This has really disappointed me and has made me question myself, what has happened to me? Am I less capable? Am I old? But no, I just realize that it requires more discipline and passion to train myself again as we are not robots, we do get unfit, we do get tired. Hence in 2011, I will try my level best to maintain my fitness again to better days on the RUNNING scene.
Prayers is one thing I have not been consistent with, although I do repeat and cite some holy phrases daily/weekly I feel it is not enough, as, we must show respect to the GREAT LORD, WHO is capable of giving and taking all of our pains or happiness. I,now,GOD WILLING, pledge to keep the LORD in my mind through prayers in 2011.
Grades in medical school, although I am not complaining,in fact, I am grateful of being an average student, my parents keep on urging me to do better as they feel and often tell me that I have the brains and capabilities to do so if I put all my effort into this course. So, to make them feel better and happy and also to prove to myself that I also can succeed in achieving greater heights, I would like to take up this challenge and work hard for not only EOS 5 but also throughout my medical career ahead, as it is a TOUGH world out there! GOD willing it will pay off!
Emotions is another issue I would like to improve on in 2011. I as a person, is terrible at controlling my emotions and tend to get over-excited or over-angry over small issues, although I realize it will be difficult to achieve changes in a short duration, I have decided I would begin this change in 2011 and hopefully I can be more rationale and think before i react to criticism, compliments and even difficult situations.
Last but not least, I would also like to improve on the girls front, I have not been too lucky with the girls as I do not know how to treat a girl properly as a girl, I tend to treat them as a guy, So hopefully in 2011, I can learn to play the game, and who knows where it will lead me to.Also i would like to put on some weight to go with my lanky body. LOL
As a whole, in 2011, I would like to improve as a person physically,mentally, spiritually and emotionally with good health along the way for me,my family and friends. 3 cheers to that!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hello guys, well, after 2 consecutive posts about my IMU life, I have decided to put in a totally random short post, this time its about DRINKING...No, not drinking water, but drinking ALCOHOL,or SPIRIT or some even call it SOCIAL LUBRICANT.
There are many types of Alcohol consumed by the modern day community, ranging from the featherweight beer to the hardcore drinks like whisky or flaming lambo. I personally dont like beer as it makes u feel bloated, and being Indian, I like to go for the heavyweights of the alcohol world and give my hand a go at vodka,whisky and my favourite LONG ISLAND ICE TEA...which is simply superb.
Unfortunately, ever since I joined IMU, my drinking habits have been limited, as, whenever I try to ask my friends to drink, they will give me this look and say "think about your liver" or "nah, drinking will make me fat or make me want to throw up". I guess they are indirectly trying to say that they are poor drinkers la, because most of them are chinese and from a medical supportive background,its proven that they are poor in alcohol consumption and metabolism. But kudos to those who are willing to drink man, cause I tell you,drinking with my chinese friends is so hilarious, mainly because they turn red on their faces and having patches of redness on various different parts of their bodies.HAHA!
Also, I love their attitude in drinking too man, they are willing to make it as fun as possible in drinking games, not afraid to try out new things, to be honest, sometimes I get scared myself at the rate they are downing their glass of liquor. One time, I had this one friend, who was saying some hilarious things while continously denying he was high/drunk. If I remember correctly, he was saying "I'm Japanese" when actually he was a chinese fellow who couldnt be more chinese if he tried..HAHA! Good times indeed.
One more thing I love bout the nature of alcohol is that, its natural ability to be a SOCIAL LUBRICANT, I say this based on two things, firstly, it helps one drown their sorrows,albeit in an unhealthy way, but at least it helps to put a smile on their faces. Secondly, alcohol is great at bringing people together, till some people says "when you have alcohol, even your enemies become your friends" how superb is that man, setting aside our differences to have some good times. Awesome.
Back In The Day When I Still went Clubbing
Before I end this post, I would like to say, "do not drink to show off that you are capable at drinking, instead, try to enjoy your drink,the company of your friends and savour the moment of those good times" as this will lead u to an enjoyable drinking experience with less vommiting or hangover side effects. CHEERS!!
*disclaimer* this post was posted out of goodwill and was not meant to offend anyone.cheers.
Next up: Life in IMU: 2nd year & Wake-boarding!!!
There are many types of Alcohol consumed by the modern day community, ranging from the featherweight beer to the hardcore drinks like whisky or flaming lambo. I personally dont like beer as it makes u feel bloated, and being Indian, I like to go for the heavyweights of the alcohol world and give my hand a go at vodka,whisky and my favourite LONG ISLAND ICE TEA...which is simply superb.
Jack Daniels: One of my favourites!
Also, I love their attitude in drinking too man, they are willing to make it as fun as possible in drinking games, not afraid to try out new things, to be honest, sometimes I get scared myself at the rate they are downing their glass of liquor. One time, I had this one friend, who was saying some hilarious things while continously denying he was high/drunk. If I remember correctly, he was saying "I'm Japanese" when actually he was a chinese fellow who couldnt be more chinese if he tried..HAHA! Good times indeed.
One more thing I love bout the nature of alcohol is that, its natural ability to be a SOCIAL LUBRICANT, I say this based on two things, firstly, it helps one drown their sorrows,albeit in an unhealthy way, but at least it helps to put a smile on their faces. Secondly, alcohol is great at bringing people together, till some people says "when you have alcohol, even your enemies become your friends" how superb is that man, setting aside our differences to have some good times. Awesome.
Back In The Day When I Still went Clubbing
Before I end this post, I would like to say, "do not drink to show off that you are capable at drinking, instead, try to enjoy your drink,the company of your friends and savour the moment of those good times" as this will lead u to an enjoyable drinking experience with less vommiting or hangover side effects. CHEERS!!
For Them Strong Drinkers Who Are Afraid of Hangovers!
Next up: Life in IMU: 2nd year & Wake-boarding!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
IMU 1st year: Part 2
Well, after the jolly good semester 1,and passing summatives 1..up stepped the dreaded semester 2....
If I remember correctly,all my seniors who had passed their EOS(End of semester) 2 exams,they were like study hard, dont play the fool,and watch your timing during the exams. And after semester 1,not so pleased with my results and attitude, I decided to give it a try to study my socks off to try and passed this famed EOS 2 papers.
Although I planned to study hardcore, I also knew that balance is important between studying and keeping fit and having fun. So I decided to also take part in the orientation, this time as a junior MACHA and an Orientation officer. As an OO, Me and my group 11 mates were assigned to another group 11, CHill... These guys, I tell u, were rockstars in their own way la dei, there were the jokers,the smarty pants, the pretty ones, the gangster looking ones etc. But then again, they all blended well with each other and its pleasing to see that they still stick around together as a group even after 3 semesters has passed. I also played the role as a MACHA, trying to scare juniors,asking them to remember my name,asking them to perform tasks, and even putting on a stern face just to scare them.GOOD TIMES indeed. As it was, orientation was orientation, same events, different management, different characters and different personalities and drama. Good fun indeed, participating with juniors, be it in sketches or going on dirty outdoor treasure hunt expeditions..HAHA!
After the hectic schedule of orientation, there came the FAMED IMU CUP! Where 6 different houses go head to head in various sports to determine the eventual overall winner. The 5 houses were draco,taurus,hydra,phoenix,pegasus and griffin,each led by their very own house captain. I was fortunate enough to be put into TAURUS: the BULL. I decided to contribute to my house not really looking at the OVERALL points tally, and ended up participating in various sports that included soccer,futsal,track&field,road relay,dota etc, and was fortunate to end up with 5 medals. Eventually after about 6 weeks of IMU cup 2009, HYDRA emerged as well deserved champions, sweeping most of the sports on offer.Kudos to that mates. But for me, IMU cup is not about who wins or loses, its about building friendships,urging people to participate,showing sportsmanship, and most importantly HAVING FUN doing SPORTS!
There you go, Im sure you are wondering what happened to the study part right? Well, truth be told, it was fun juggling between sports and studies. I remember waking up as early as 8 am, studying till 2 pm, taking lunch, study abit more, then the adrenaline(hormone) came, could not help it, so went back home and got ready for IMU cup action.Also, together with a few lovely and smart friends,we also took time off to ask each other questions,in a view that it might spur them on more to study and make their parents proud.
Then,came the MESSED UP part of things, my brother's graduation in AUSTRALIA, no doubt I wanted to go so badly to a new country, as we dont get such good opportunites to explore new places right? But there was also this sense of guilt of the studies,bearing in mind it was already end of october, and EOS 2 was just 3-4 weeks away. Armed with my parents encouragement, I managed to mentally keep myself content and bring over about 20 notes of semester 2 to study while on the plane or during free time. Australia on a lighter note is such a lovely place,with nice temperature,although it could be chilly cold when the wind blows and messed up-ly hot on bright sunny days..haha..reminds me of malaysia..After bout 5 days of sight-seeing, suiting up for graduation,visiting casinos,winning some money, We boarded the plane back to KL, I was quite pleased that those MESSED up notes of mine kept ringing in my head after I managed to read them.HAHA!
The australia trip was followed by 3 weeks of intensed studying, for 2 exams, firstly summatives 2,which thank god i managed to do well.A good confidence builder before a harrowing trip to the EOS 2 examination. After summatives 2 however, there was a big rush for cramping in the whole of semester 1 notes together with semester 2 notes. DEADLY EH?After hardcoring for the next 2 weeks, taking some NASTY BRANDS CHICKEN SOUP didnt taste so bad, after all its for your BRAINS right? Okay then, off to our first major exam, EOS 2 which included SAQ(24 questions in 1 hour and 20 minutes)so its like 5 minutes per question.How awesome was that? Then came the OBA(thank god for this paper,calms the nerves down by offering a glimmer of hope,haha!).Unfortunately, the next day brought upon the CHIEF VILLAGER, OSPE! This messedu up fellow contained 24 stations of models and pictures with a time of 5 minutes allocated for each station..AWESOME! So after struggling for 2 days of exams, EOS 2 was done and dusted, all us VILLAGERS could hope for was to pass this gruesome exam.HAHA!
After one week of living in fear, we went to collect our results, and a vast majority of my batch passed this exam but unfortunately yiedling 50 failures who had to RE-SIT EOS 2.
Rejoicing together as SEXIEST and also AFTER EOS 2!
If I remember correctly,all my seniors who had passed their EOS(End of semester) 2 exams,they were like study hard, dont play the fool,and watch your timing during the exams. And after semester 1,not so pleased with my results and attitude, I decided to give it a try to study my socks off to try and passed this famed EOS 2 papers.
Although I planned to study hardcore, I also knew that balance is important between studying and keeping fit and having fun. So I decided to also take part in the orientation, this time as a junior MACHA and an Orientation officer. As an OO, Me and my group 11 mates were assigned to another group 11, CHill... These guys, I tell u, were rockstars in their own way la dei, there were the jokers,the smarty pants, the pretty ones, the gangster looking ones etc. But then again, they all blended well with each other and its pleasing to see that they still stick around together as a group even after 3 semesters has passed. I also played the role as a MACHA, trying to scare juniors,asking them to remember my name,asking them to perform tasks, and even putting on a stern face just to scare them.GOOD TIMES indeed. As it was, orientation was orientation, same events, different management, different characters and different personalities and drama. Good fun indeed, participating with juniors, be it in sketches or going on dirty outdoor treasure hunt expeditions..HAHA!
Various photos with CHILL
After the hectic schedule of orientation, there came the FAMED IMU CUP! Where 6 different houses go head to head in various sports to determine the eventual overall winner. The 5 houses were draco,taurus,hydra,phoenix,pegasus and griffin,each led by their very own house captain. I was fortunate enough to be put into TAURUS: the BULL. I decided to contribute to my house not really looking at the OVERALL points tally, and ended up participating in various sports that included soccer,futsal,track&field,road relay,dota etc, and was fortunate to end up with 5 medals. Eventually after about 6 weeks of IMU cup 2009, HYDRA emerged as well deserved champions, sweeping most of the sports on offer.Kudos to that mates. But for me, IMU cup is not about who wins or loses, its about building friendships,urging people to participate,showing sportsmanship, and most importantly HAVING FUN doing SPORTS!
IMU CUP 2009: Taurus
Then,came the MESSED UP part of things, my brother's graduation in AUSTRALIA, no doubt I wanted to go so badly to a new country, as we dont get such good opportunites to explore new places right? But there was also this sense of guilt of the studies,bearing in mind it was already end of october, and EOS 2 was just 3-4 weeks away. Armed with my parents encouragement, I managed to mentally keep myself content and bring over about 20 notes of semester 2 to study while on the plane or during free time. Australia on a lighter note is such a lovely place,with nice temperature,although it could be chilly cold when the wind blows and messed up-ly hot on bright sunny days..haha..reminds me of malaysia..After bout 5 days of sight-seeing, suiting up for graduation,visiting casinos,winning some money, We boarded the plane back to KL, I was quite pleased that those MESSED up notes of mine kept ringing in my head after I managed to read them.HAHA!
The australia trip was followed by 3 weeks of intensed studying, for 2 exams, firstly summatives 2,which thank god i managed to do well.A good confidence builder before a harrowing trip to the EOS 2 examination. After summatives 2 however, there was a big rush for cramping in the whole of semester 1 notes together with semester 2 notes. DEADLY EH?After hardcoring for the next 2 weeks, taking some NASTY BRANDS CHICKEN SOUP didnt taste so bad, after all its for your BRAINS right? Okay then, off to our first major exam, EOS 2 which included SAQ(24 questions in 1 hour and 20 minutes)so its like 5 minutes per question.How awesome was that? Then came the OBA(thank god for this paper,calms the nerves down by offering a glimmer of hope,haha!).Unfortunately, the next day brought upon the CHIEF VILLAGER, OSPE! This messedu up fellow contained 24 stations of models and pictures with a time of 5 minutes allocated for each station..AWESOME! So after struggling for 2 days of exams, EOS 2 was done and dusted, all us VILLAGERS could hope for was to pass this gruesome exam.HAHA!
After one week of living in fear, we went to collect our results, and a vast majority of my batch passed this exam but unfortunately yiedling 50 failures who had to RE-SIT EOS 2.
Rejoicing together as SEXIEST and also AFTER EOS 2!
Hence ended YEAR 1 in IMU and as YEAR 2 beckons, I bid u guys farewell,dont be sad though, as the adventures will continue in the next post.Till then.SAWADIKAP!
On the road to being a senior!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
IMU 1st year: PART 1
Hey guys, sorry for the absence yeah, was taking a breather at my wonderful house,enjoying some joyous home cooked food. Nothing like home eh? Okay then, moving on the this next post which will tell you guys bits and pieces of my first year at IMU. And so, the journey begins.
As a freshman at any university, we were supposed to undergo 2 weeks of orientation, and being such a noob at that time,I just took everything that came to me with such enthusiasm. Some times too much i would say,but hey,not always do we get to re-live these types of moments right? So there we were, attending briefings,the oath taking ceremony, taking our 1st batch photo, and meeting new people, not to mention getting our forms sorted out for Life at IMU. After the first 2 days of settling in, we were divided into 14 orientation groups. I so happened to be placed in group 11. To be honest, when I first walked into that very room assigned for group 11, I thought to myself, "what have you gotten yourself into la, tej?". However I was to be greatly mistaken. Firstly we introduced ourselves, had a mini ice-breaking session, and then came the serious part:
1) naming the group
2) electing a leader
3) electing an IMSS
Throughout the next 2 weeks, we(INDIAN JUNIORS) were being put to the test by these fierce looking MACHA GANG, although they were very scary at first, I took all the bullcrap that they threw at me by forever smiling. Till they got so fed up, that they actually told me, "DEI, YOU ARE A CLOWN LA, but WE LIKE YOU, thats the RIGHT ATTITUDE". This made me feel glad deep down. We were forced to remember their names, some of them the names were too long, I swear I dont know how people could come up with such strong long winded INDIAN names.AMAZING. I remember at one point, I was made to sit under the table and make animal noises..HILARIOUS!We were also made to do random stuffs such as push-ups,sit ups,proposing to girls,shaving our beards etc. But the most important point I would like to make here is, although the MACHA gang treated us like garbage sometimes, It was their way of lightening or spicing up the orientation, It was their way of getting close to us. People come up to me and say, its a shame that macha gang is being banned in IMU and they want the MACHAS to continue going, when these very same people complained about us. I find this amazing.
It is even more amazing to see how these so called "SCARY" or "GANGSTER" looking bunch of people actually turn out to be one of the most friendly and helpful people I have met in IMU. They would call us out for futsal, makan sessions, DRINKING sessions and would offer advice in exams. Some of the people I would never forget are tharveen nair,lakshen palaniappan,ashwath,sanjay dev,vivek mahalingam and the rest of the crew. Thanks guys.
Moving back to the orientation after a sidetrack, right, after watching me being ravaged by the MACHAS, my group members felt bad for me. But I always said its fun and gave them that re-assuring smile. As a group, SEXIEST bonded amazingly fast, we had gifted people with various personalities and somehow, we gelled together. I was watching the DRESS CODE 1 video the other day which was MADAGASCAR, It was still hilarious, and I remember how much we slogged with each other preparing it, all the jokes, all the sweat put into it was worth it as the crowd was ENTERTAINED by US. Next came DRESS CODE 2, another awesome assignment on our hands which helped bond us even more together. We were given the assignment of BECKHAM and VICTORIA stucked in AFRICA.HAHA! I still remember RAKIB UDDIN and JOYCE CHIENG as the BECKHAM COUPLE!!! This turned out to be another superb performance by us. Finally, variety night came about, and after doing our performances along the lines of jokes and drama, we decided to give the crowd something different.A very own SEXIEST PRODUCTION! Our OOs came out with a SONG from them to us juniors and we decided to turn it into our next play. Joash played the piano. This song was so sentimental that it touched the crowd. Oh yea, before i forget, OUR AMAZING DIANA, our IMSS!! This girl put on a SUPERB show based on our group solo performance theme TERMINATOR. AWESOME!
Alright then, aside from all the hardwork of putting together plays,acts and performances,we juniors were also given some fun and dirty activities to do. These included indoor and outdoor treasure hunts, telematch and ice breakers. I realise that elaborating on each will make this post superbly long. So I would just come straight to the point of these activities, I think these activities were planned to test the juniors on various things such as teamwork,perserverance, trust, and most importantly bridging the gap between members of a group, friendships that would last not only till the end of orientation but also throughout the IMU journey.
Finally, came the end of orienation, THE FINALE night, now, the theme of that NIGHT was the 70's NIGHT, so I got into the groove of it and decided to come as THE PIMP, after dining and meeting with friends and taking various photographs and watching videos, it came the time for awards ceremony, first up was the best dressed COUPLE of the night. EACH group were to have sent 2 people, male and female to do a CAT WALK, I partnered JOYCE. Next thing I knew was that I had been selected as BEST DRESS. HOORAY. But could not have done it without my teammates. AND FINALLY, the moment we been waiting for, the best ORIENTATION group of IMU BOOT CAMP, WAS..non other..THAN SEXIEST! I felt it was well deserved on our part but we also had to aknowledge the effort other groups put in as well. Three cheers to that.
This sums up the first part of my post. But before that, would like to aknowledge the crew of SEXIEST:
Eldwin,wei hoong, joyce,rakib,evonne,mae yee,sofiah,lip hong,tejvinder,teegeena,jolene,jeffrey,derrick,lee wun,zeng and the rest.
not forgetting the OOs: aku, yi wen,joash,meshell,li teng,pam,yih ren,joanne,sook chieng and the rest.
As a freshman at any university, we were supposed to undergo 2 weeks of orientation, and being such a noob at that time,I just took everything that came to me with such enthusiasm. Some times too much i would say,but hey,not always do we get to re-live these types of moments right? So there we were, attending briefings,the oath taking ceremony, taking our 1st batch photo, and meeting new people, not to mention getting our forms sorted out for Life at IMU. After the first 2 days of settling in, we were divided into 14 orientation groups. I so happened to be placed in group 11. To be honest, when I first walked into that very room assigned for group 11, I thought to myself, "what have you gotten yourself into la, tej?". However I was to be greatly mistaken. Firstly we introduced ourselves, had a mini ice-breaking session, and then came the serious part:
1) naming the group
2) electing a leader
3) electing an IMSS
4) electing the treasurer
As non of us were daring enough to take the leader role, upstood ELDWIN OUI, the boy from seremban XD. And from then on,things became much more smooth, of course with the help of our delightful OO's yi wen,aku,joash and the rest of the crew. Next came the naming session, after much debate and suggestions of crazy names, we came out with a cool and catchy name and hence SEXIEST! was born!Joyce chieng got elected as treasurer whilst DIANA CHELSEA was IMSS. However, just as I was getting to know my group mates better, I was suddenly called out by this INDIAN(MACHA) SENIOR, he was so fierce at the time. I thought to myself, "TEJ, YOU ARE OVER LA". And my thoughts did me no wrong, as soon as i stepped out of the room, I was pushed against the wall, and asked many questions in a awesomely harsh manner which I thought was COOL. Some of the questions that I was being asked was "WHY ARE YOU SMILING?" or "WHY IS YOUR SHOELACES UNTIED?"
Throughout the next 2 weeks, we(INDIAN JUNIORS) were being put to the test by these fierce looking MACHA GANG, although they were very scary at first, I took all the bullcrap that they threw at me by forever smiling. Till they got so fed up, that they actually told me, "DEI, YOU ARE A CLOWN LA, but WE LIKE YOU, thats the RIGHT ATTITUDE". This made me feel glad deep down. We were forced to remember their names, some of them the names were too long, I swear I dont know how people could come up with such strong long winded INDIAN names.AMAZING. I remember at one point, I was made to sit under the table and make animal noises..HILARIOUS!We were also made to do random stuffs such as push-ups,sit ups,proposing to girls,shaving our beards etc. But the most important point I would like to make here is, although the MACHA gang treated us like garbage sometimes, It was their way of lightening or spicing up the orientation, It was their way of getting close to us. People come up to me and say, its a shame that macha gang is being banned in IMU and they want the MACHAS to continue going, when these very same people complained about us. I find this amazing.
It is even more amazing to see how these so called "SCARY" or "GANGSTER" looking bunch of people actually turn out to be one of the most friendly and helpful people I have met in IMU. They would call us out for futsal, makan sessions, DRINKING sessions and would offer advice in exams. Some of the people I would never forget are tharveen nair,lakshen palaniappan,ashwath,sanjay dev,vivek mahalingam and the rest of the crew. Thanks guys.
Moving back to the orientation after a sidetrack, right, after watching me being ravaged by the MACHAS, my group members felt bad for me. But I always said its fun and gave them that re-assuring smile. As a group, SEXIEST bonded amazingly fast, we had gifted people with various personalities and somehow, we gelled together. I was watching the DRESS CODE 1 video the other day which was MADAGASCAR, It was still hilarious, and I remember how much we slogged with each other preparing it, all the jokes, all the sweat put into it was worth it as the crowd was ENTERTAINED by US. Next came DRESS CODE 2, another awesome assignment on our hands which helped bond us even more together. We were given the assignment of BECKHAM and VICTORIA stucked in AFRICA.HAHA! I still remember RAKIB UDDIN and JOYCE CHIENG as the BECKHAM COUPLE!!! This turned out to be another superb performance by us. Finally, variety night came about, and after doing our performances along the lines of jokes and drama, we decided to give the crowd something different.A very own SEXIEST PRODUCTION! Our OOs came out with a SONG from them to us juniors and we decided to turn it into our next play. Joash played the piano. This song was so sentimental that it touched the crowd. Oh yea, before i forget, OUR AMAZING DIANA, our IMSS!! This girl put on a SUPERB show based on our group solo performance theme TERMINATOR. AWESOME!
Alright then, aside from all the hardwork of putting together plays,acts and performances,we juniors were also given some fun and dirty activities to do. These included indoor and outdoor treasure hunts, telematch and ice breakers. I realise that elaborating on each will make this post superbly long. So I would just come straight to the point of these activities, I think these activities were planned to test the juniors on various things such as teamwork,perserverance, trust, and most importantly bridging the gap between members of a group, friendships that would last not only till the end of orientation but also throughout the IMU journey.
Finally, came the end of orienation, THE FINALE night, now, the theme of that NIGHT was the 70's NIGHT, so I got into the groove of it and decided to come as THE PIMP, after dining and meeting with friends and taking various photographs and watching videos, it came the time for awards ceremony, first up was the best dressed COUPLE of the night. EACH group were to have sent 2 people, male and female to do a CAT WALK, I partnered JOYCE. Next thing I knew was that I had been selected as BEST DRESS. HOORAY. But could not have done it without my teammates. AND FINALLY, the moment we been waiting for, the best ORIENTATION group of IMU BOOT CAMP, WAS..non other..THAN SEXIEST! I felt it was well deserved on our part but we also had to aknowledge the effort other groups put in as well. Three cheers to that.
This sums up the first part of my post. But before that, would like to aknowledge the crew of SEXIEST:
Eldwin,wei hoong, joyce,rakib,evonne,mae yee,sofiah,lip hong,tejvinder,teegeena,jolene,jeffrey,derrick,lee wun,zeng and the rest.
not forgetting the OOs: aku, yi wen,joash,meshell,li teng,pam,yih ren,joanne,sook chieng and the rest.
Oh before I end, I would like to pay a tribute to the groups SPIES JENAN NGO and LOW JER MING. Let me give u a jist of the SPY term and role. Every orientation seniors take time off from their hectic schedule and play the role of a junior in order to smoothen the ice breaking session.However, we juniors were not told of the existence of these cunning individuals. Throughout the next 2 weeks, these guys participated in most of the activities while amazingly conning us with their well worked stories and acts. Although we could roughly guess that JER MING was a senior, this JENAN guy, totally caught us by surprise, he played this good boy role, always quiet, did not say a thing, i felt bad for him once too..THEN when he told us he was a SPY, all of us were so SHOCKED! 3 cheers to that JENAN!
I would like to end this post with a phrase.. " It does not matter how many people we have met, what matters is the friendship and bond formed and how we much we remember of these people"
Thursday, December 2, 2010
There comes a point in life where a young adult comes to decide which career pathway he or she will undertake according to their interests, talents or some say just pure family pressure. This point a time usually comes after SPM where scholarships are being offered. For others, the UNDECIDED ones, they usually take some thought after completing Pre-U, be it SAM/A-levels/AUSMAT or even the DREADED STPM. For me, I could only see myself doing something related to science as I was terrible at arts subjects be it accounting,economics or literature.Hence I decided to enroll in SAM at Taylors. I found it to be a relatively easy-fun going course as it involved a 50-50 dividence between assignments and exams. I enrolled in the january intake in order to save time as my parents put it. However, after a quarter of the course had passed, i fell very ill and was not able to attend classes for roughly 3 weeks, this period of absence affected my grades and after being through hell with my parents, they finally allowed me to withdraw from SAM and start anew at HELP Uni College in a much more tougher course, the LONDON A-LEVELS. Nontheless, eventhough i was moving on from SAM, i will never forget the class of G11, all the experiences we been through eventhough we spent a short period of time together.
Good old times during Form 5
Moving on to A-levels was quite difficult for me as I was still recovering from my illness which affected me both physically and mentally as well, but, with the help of my friend Justin Jee, together, we set out making new friends in the A50 batch at HELP. First off, let me give a brief details of the subjects pathway i had gotten my self into. Ever since that illness hit me, i got a strong resolve and determination in me to study medicine and be a god willing good enough doctor to try and treat patients with diseases and hardship. Hence, i enlisted for the BIOLOGY,CHEMISTRY and MATHEMATICS combination. During my time in this course, i met a whole lot of new and interesting individuals who were all special in their own ways. There were the smart ones, the nerdy ones,the party ones and even the quiet ones, and together they made the A50 batch a memorable one with various experiences together be it in EXAMS or the simple daily cho tai t(big two) sessions. Unfortunately, I did not do too well in my finals of the A-levels examinations at the first go and these set of grades forced me to rethink of my future plans and career pathways.
Post SAM and Pre A-levels: Road to Recovery
Firstly, there was the dreaded meeting and discussions with my two lovely parents, eventhough they showed support for me to do medicine, they urged/encouraged me to re-think of other options such as accountancy and law. I even resorted to visiting an experienced career adviser. After various tests conducted by that adviser, it all showed that I should not do medicine and try to find other solutions. This in turn led me to visit the accountancy and law departments at HELP under the supervision of my caring father. After these visits, my dad gave me 3 days to think of my options which were:
a) accountancy
c) retake papers in JANUARY 09 and pursue the dream of medicine(INDIAN DREAM)
Post A-Levels at Justin's Birthday
After 2 sleepless nights,thinking about my future, visiting various websites, I decided to follow the burning desire within me that was to keep the dream alive and work hard to score in the retake examinations. My father also played a big role in this as he was willing to sacrifice a big sum of money for tuition and this added further fuel to my desire to work hard. During this period of time, together with the encouragement, I applied to IMU with the help of my college DEAN of A levels MR JAHN CHEAH and chemistry master YAP. I was not sure of getting the place, so I went abouts enquiring bout INDONESIA as it was a good place financially and prestige wise as well.
As fate was to have it, I went for the IMU interview and was offered a place on a conditional offer, this brought joy not only to me, but also to my parents and teachers. I was not sure of the pathway ahead of me, but I was sure that with proper guidance,hardwork and faith in GOD, i would try my best to make my parents proud. As for this post, it comes to an end here, however, stay tune for my IMU LIFE post next up.
First, a sneak preview of the next post:
SEXIEST 11 Orientation Group: Journey Begins at IMU!
Good old times during Form 5
Moving on to A-levels was quite difficult for me as I was still recovering from my illness which affected me both physically and mentally as well, but, with the help of my friend Justin Jee, together, we set out making new friends in the A50 batch at HELP. First off, let me give a brief details of the subjects pathway i had gotten my self into. Ever since that illness hit me, i got a strong resolve and determination in me to study medicine and be a god willing good enough doctor to try and treat patients with diseases and hardship. Hence, i enlisted for the BIOLOGY,CHEMISTRY and MATHEMATICS combination. During my time in this course, i met a whole lot of new and interesting individuals who were all special in their own ways. There were the smart ones, the nerdy ones,the party ones and even the quiet ones, and together they made the A50 batch a memorable one with various experiences together be it in EXAMS or the simple daily cho tai t(big two) sessions. Unfortunately, I did not do too well in my finals of the A-levels examinations at the first go and these set of grades forced me to rethink of my future plans and career pathways.
Post SAM and Pre A-levels: Road to Recovery
a) accountancy
c) retake papers in JANUARY 09 and pursue the dream of medicine(INDIAN DREAM)
Post A-Levels at Justin's Birthday
After 2 sleepless nights,thinking about my future, visiting various websites, I decided to follow the burning desire within me that was to keep the dream alive and work hard to score in the retake examinations. My father also played a big role in this as he was willing to sacrifice a big sum of money for tuition and this added further fuel to my desire to work hard. During this period of time, together with the encouragement, I applied to IMU with the help of my college DEAN of A levels MR JAHN CHEAH and chemistry master YAP. I was not sure of getting the place, so I went abouts enquiring bout INDONESIA as it was a good place financially and prestige wise as well.
As fate was to have it, I went for the IMU interview and was offered a place on a conditional offer, this brought joy not only to me, but also to my parents and teachers. I was not sure of the pathway ahead of me, but I was sure that with proper guidance,hardwork and faith in GOD, i would try my best to make my parents proud. As for this post, it comes to an end here, however, stay tune for my IMU LIFE post next up.
First, a sneak preview of the next post:
SEXIEST 11 Orientation Group: Journey Begins at IMU!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Running. A Passion.
Ever since I picked up running in primary/grade school, I took it lightly and viewed it just as another way to keep fit. However, I found out that I was actually quite good at it and decided to pursue it further and eventually went for trainings to represent my house. Then, being human, this sense of EGO and WINNING MENTALITY came into play and I took each race very seriously.These hugely negative emotions led to me being disappointed/depressed with myself if I lost a race or I also ended up being angry at an opponent and it persisted all the way through grade school. However, as I became more mature and entered secondary school, I began to learn how to take defeat with an open heart as winning or losing was part of the game. I also began to learn how to respect an opponent who is potentially a better runner than me and be more humble. However, it also brought up some negative effects on my self-confidence and this affected my god given gift of long legs but this was to change during the year 2005. I was running against better opponents in both the 800 and 1500 m events,however I managed to win those two events after trusting myself and having confidence.
My perception of running was changed altogether and I had this urge to try to inspire people to try and build some passion in running. The first opportunity for me to achieve this urge was during my SPORTS day at my school. As the TRACK captain, I was given the task to recruit members to come join running. This feat was certainly not easy as I did not exactly look like an athletic guy. I was tall and awfully lanky and this brought out doubts in my fellow house mates. These doubts vanished into thin air when the first training session took place, during my welcoming speech, I urged the future STAR athletes to have confidence in the ability,a strong mentality and most importantly run with heart and passion and determination. It did not matter whether u were short,fat,tall or thin, what mattered was the effort you put in and the desire to achieve the goal you set out to achieve. It did not matter whether you were on the podium or not, if you gave your best, you are a winner. Together we worked hard,urging each other on, and I am delighted to say, they fought hard in their respective events and came back victorious.
The joy of watching someone run with passion and determination even when they were given no hope was truly satisfying. After finishing secondary school, my running took a downfall due to the hectic life of A-levels and only resurfaced after I joined IMU. During my four semesters so far in IMU, I learnt a lot from dedicated runners who were not only my seniors but my juniors as well. I learnt that even great ones fall in battle and even if we fall we should be gracious and humble in defeat. I also learnt from the MILERS club that even though we might be fast, we should always consider that there are slower runners and we should try our best to encourage them to push themselves. During my 3rd semester in IMU, I ran for the vice-captain of Taurus, although not many had confidence in my ability, I took it as a challenge to try and prove myself, I also took up the challenge of TRACK captain once again albeit having not much confidence. I was truly surprised and amazed at the level of effort,spirit,teamwork and sportsmanship that not only the track team put in but also all the other house members from various sports showed during the course of the 6-8 weeks of IMU cup. After the 4x400 m race which my house miraculously won gold medal due to the strong teamwork and determination combined with a tinge of talent, I was called a STAR MAN. This was a blessing in disguise as it indirectly inspired some of my friends to pick up running. One of them even improved his time in 10 km by 5 whole minutes! AMAZING to say the least..
Okay, I should not drag this post too long, bottom line is, we should not be too depressed/discouraged if there are faster runners than us. We should take heart from them and get inspired by them. To the more faster runners, I urge you guys to be more humble and portray more sportsmanship. Running should not be viewed as a burden to keep fit. Running should done with passion!! Cheers.
My perception of running was changed altogether and I had this urge to try to inspire people to try and build some passion in running. The first opportunity for me to achieve this urge was during my SPORTS day at my school. As the TRACK captain, I was given the task to recruit members to come join running. This feat was certainly not easy as I did not exactly look like an athletic guy. I was tall and awfully lanky and this brought out doubts in my fellow house mates. These doubts vanished into thin air when the first training session took place, during my welcoming speech, I urged the future STAR athletes to have confidence in the ability,a strong mentality and most importantly run with heart and passion and determination. It did not matter whether u were short,fat,tall or thin, what mattered was the effort you put in and the desire to achieve the goal you set out to achieve. It did not matter whether you were on the podium or not, if you gave your best, you are a winner. Together we worked hard,urging each other on, and I am delighted to say, they fought hard in their respective events and came back victorious.
The joy of watching someone run with passion and determination even when they were given no hope was truly satisfying. After finishing secondary school, my running took a downfall due to the hectic life of A-levels and only resurfaced after I joined IMU. During my four semesters so far in IMU, I learnt a lot from dedicated runners who were not only my seniors but my juniors as well. I learnt that even great ones fall in battle and even if we fall we should be gracious and humble in defeat. I also learnt from the MILERS club that even though we might be fast, we should always consider that there are slower runners and we should try our best to encourage them to push themselves. During my 3rd semester in IMU, I ran for the vice-captain of Taurus, although not many had confidence in my ability, I took it as a challenge to try and prove myself, I also took up the challenge of TRACK captain once again albeit having not much confidence. I was truly surprised and amazed at the level of effort,spirit,teamwork and sportsmanship that not only the track team put in but also all the other house members from various sports showed during the course of the 6-8 weeks of IMU cup. After the 4x400 m race which my house miraculously won gold medal due to the strong teamwork and determination combined with a tinge of talent, I was called a STAR MAN. This was a blessing in disguise as it indirectly inspired some of my friends to pick up running. One of them even improved his time in 10 km by 5 whole minutes! AMAZING to say the least..
Okay, I should not drag this post too long, bottom line is, we should not be too depressed/discouraged if there are faster runners than us. We should take heart from them and get inspired by them. To the more faster runners, I urge you guys to be more humble and portray more sportsmanship. Running should not be viewed as a burden to keep fit. Running should done with passion!! Cheers.
Journey Begins
Greetings People,
Well, First off,I have to admit,that,I was previously not a big fan of blogging,however,I have came across many blogs composed by my friends and I found it quite interesting how they related their daily proceedings via their very own blog aka online diary. So as fate was to have it, I was placed in the English & Language Selective whereby students were given a task to create a blog promoting health to a certain group of people. At first, I was not so keen in this sort of thing, but then it struck me,why not I use this opportunity to explore new things and who knows what crazy or funny facts I might be able to post on my blog. However,as a disclaimer, I know, that creating let alone managing a blog requires careful planning and also dedication of time and effort which I will try my very best to fulfill. I would be grateful if readers of my blog could drop some pointers on how to 'glorify' a blog as I am just a 'newbie' at this sort of thing. Last but not least,my blog will be based around not only me,but also revolving around my experiences,friends and lessons learnt on a daily basis.Well it may also have some amusing random stuff that could brighten up a sorrow day. As a wise man once said, Life is a journey,sometimes sweet,sometimes bitter, but what matters most is that we learn from one another and become a better person in the future.Cheers!
Well, First off,I have to admit,that,I was previously not a big fan of blogging,however,I have came across many blogs composed by my friends and I found it quite interesting how they related their daily proceedings via their very own blog aka online diary. So as fate was to have it, I was placed in the English & Language Selective whereby students were given a task to create a blog promoting health to a certain group of people. At first, I was not so keen in this sort of thing, but then it struck me,why not I use this opportunity to explore new things and who knows what crazy or funny facts I might be able to post on my blog. However,as a disclaimer, I know, that creating let alone managing a blog requires careful planning and also dedication of time and effort which I will try my very best to fulfill. I would be grateful if readers of my blog could drop some pointers on how to 'glorify' a blog as I am just a 'newbie' at this sort of thing. Last but not least,my blog will be based around not only me,but also revolving around my experiences,friends and lessons learnt on a daily basis.Well it may also have some amusing random stuff that could brighten up a sorrow day. As a wise man once said, Life is a journey,sometimes sweet,sometimes bitter, but what matters most is that we learn from one another and become a better person in the future.Cheers!
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