If I remember correctly,all my seniors who had passed their EOS(End of semester) 2 exams,they were like study hard, dont play the fool,and watch your timing during the exams. And after semester 1,not so pleased with my results and attitude, I decided to give it a try to study my socks off to try and passed this famed EOS 2 papers.
Although I planned to study hardcore, I also knew that balance is important between studying and keeping fit and having fun. So I decided to also take part in the orientation, this time as a junior MACHA and an Orientation officer. As an OO, Me and my group 11 mates were assigned to another group 11, CHill... These guys, I tell u, were rockstars in their own way la dei, there were the jokers,the smarty pants, the pretty ones, the gangster looking ones etc. But then again, they all blended well with each other and its pleasing to see that they still stick around together as a group even after 3 semesters has passed. I also played the role as a MACHA, trying to scare juniors,asking them to remember my name,asking them to perform tasks, and even putting on a stern face just to scare them.GOOD TIMES indeed. As it was, orientation was orientation, same events, different management, different characters and different personalities and drama. Good fun indeed, participating with juniors, be it in sketches or going on dirty outdoor treasure hunt expeditions..HAHA!
Various photos with CHILL
After the hectic schedule of orientation, there came the FAMED IMU CUP! Where 6 different houses go head to head in various sports to determine the eventual overall winner. The 5 houses were draco,taurus,hydra,phoenix,pegasus and griffin,each led by their very own house captain. I was fortunate enough to be put into TAURUS: the BULL. I decided to contribute to my house not really looking at the OVERALL points tally, and ended up participating in various sports that included soccer,futsal,track&field,road relay,dota etc, and was fortunate to end up with 5 medals. Eventually after about 6 weeks of IMU cup 2009, HYDRA emerged as well deserved champions, sweeping most of the sports on offer.Kudos to that mates. But for me, IMU cup is not about who wins or loses, its about building friendships,urging people to participate,showing sportsmanship, and most importantly HAVING FUN doing SPORTS!
IMU CUP 2009: Taurus
Then,came the MESSED UP part of things, my brother's graduation in AUSTRALIA, no doubt I wanted to go so badly to a new country, as we dont get such good opportunites to explore new places right? But there was also this sense of guilt of the studies,bearing in mind it was already end of october, and EOS 2 was just 3-4 weeks away. Armed with my parents encouragement, I managed to mentally keep myself content and bring over about 20 notes of semester 2 to study while on the plane or during free time. Australia on a lighter note is such a lovely place,with nice temperature,although it could be chilly cold when the wind blows and messed up-ly hot on bright sunny days..haha..reminds me of malaysia..After bout 5 days of sight-seeing, suiting up for graduation,visiting casinos,winning some money, We boarded the plane back to KL, I was quite pleased that those MESSED up notes of mine kept ringing in my head after I managed to read them.HAHA!
The australia trip was followed by 3 weeks of intensed studying, for 2 exams, firstly summatives 2,which thank god i managed to do well.A good confidence builder before a harrowing trip to the EOS 2 examination. After summatives 2 however, there was a big rush for cramping in the whole of semester 1 notes together with semester 2 notes. DEADLY EH?After hardcoring for the next 2 weeks, taking some NASTY BRANDS CHICKEN SOUP didnt taste so bad, after all its for your BRAINS right? Okay then, off to our first major exam, EOS 2 which included SAQ(24 questions in 1 hour and 20 minutes)so its like 5 minutes per question.How awesome was that? Then came the OBA(thank god for this paper,calms the nerves down by offering a glimmer of hope,haha!).Unfortunately, the next day brought upon the CHIEF VILLAGER, OSPE! This messedu up fellow contained 24 stations of models and pictures with a time of 5 minutes allocated for each station..AWESOME! So after struggling for 2 days of exams, EOS 2 was done and dusted, all us VILLAGERS could hope for was to pass this gruesome exam.HAHA!
After one week of living in fear, we went to collect our results, and a vast majority of my batch passed this exam but unfortunately yiedling 50 failures who had to RE-SIT EOS 2.
Rejoicing together as SEXIEST and also AFTER EOS 2!
Hence ended YEAR 1 in IMU and as YEAR 2 beckons, I bid u guys farewell,dont be sad though, as the adventures will continue in the next post.Till then.SAWADIKAP!
On the road to being a senior!
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